Belle Tress

Secret | Lace Front & Monofilament Part Synthetic Wig by Belle Tress

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  • To fulfill our never-ending quest for that perfect bob, here comes the Secret. It is our top secret to be always ready in moments of notice, always put together, professionally poised for the day, and portraying elegance for the evening. Partial monofilament, extended lace front, the same luxurious HF Belle Tress fiber. It is a perfect medium-length bob with a modern twist of slight layer and under-curl. The name Secret tea is from the TWG collection, a mysterious fire -blossoms inflect this warm and fragrant black tea with enveloping flavors of fruit and buts. A cup to arouse curiosity (TWG, 2023), a part of Café Collection.

    1. COLOR SHOWN : Honey with Chai Latte
    2. ITEM # : BT-SEC337
    3. HAIR FIBER : Heat Friendly Synthetic
    4. CAP CONSTRUCTION : Extended Creative Lace Front
    5. PART : Left
    6. CAP SIZE : Average
    7. LENGTH : Bangs n/a, Side 8"-12", Nape 5", Overall 12.5"
    8. WEIGHT : 4.5 oz
    9. COLLECTION : Cafe Collection

    *Actual hair color may be slightly different.
    Color shows up slightly different based on hair fiber type or style. Each color swatch or image shown can vary from screen to screen since all monitors' color configuration are different. These swatches are designed to give you a good idea of the color but may vary from hair to hair.